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  • 1pbx Solutions Inc Enters Strategic Partnership
Monday, 18 January 2021 22:26

1pbx Solutions Inc Enters Strategic Partnership

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After a long lull without any update, 1pbx Solutions has some major news to announce!

It is with great excitement that I would like to announce a new partnership between 1pbx Solutions Inc and a major Canadian telecommunications company. Due to exact details still being worked out, and other pending news, I have to keep this announcement very vague. More details will follow as soon as we can release the information. Our strategic partner serves millions of happy customers, and processes over one billion voice minutes every month.

Let's dive into how this new partnership will impact 1pbx Solutions and pbxHQ

What does this mean for 1pbx Solutions?

1pbx Solutions day to day operations will remain largely unchanged in the immediate future. We will be busy working with our new partner to deliver improved telecommunication solutions to our valued users.

What about pbxHQ and the pbxHQ Roadmap?

This is where things get exciting. As a relatively small team, development on our pbxHQ cloud-based business communications platform has been moving slower than we would like to see. This was a big motivator for entering into this partnership. Gaining access to new capital and a world class development team is a game changer for our global cloud communications platform. More details to come in a follow-up announcement.

Tell us something at least!?

While I do have to keep many details confidential for the time being, I am able to announce a few changes to come, along with benefits for our users and our platform.

A new entity will be formed, jointly owned by 1pbx Solutions Inc and our new strategic partner. 1pbx Solutions will be the majority owner of the new entity. The new entity will have access to many more resources to allow us to build out pbxHQ the way it was originally planned. This includes a full turnkey whitelabel reseller program unlike no other in the industry. Available in over 60 countries for end-users and resellers, our platform will allow you to be up and running as a user and/or reseller within minutes of signing up.

The new entity will be not be called pbxHQ. pbxHQ will be a tier 1 reseller for our new platform. We will ensure the transition is seamless if possible. If we cannot do a seamless transition, we will ensure ample notice is provided to all clients, along with necessary instructions to ensure your calls keep flowing without interruption.

1pbx Solutions Inc will Gain Access To:

  • Access to award winning development team, funded by our strategic partner
  • Infusion of capital to further assist in rapid development and marketing
  • Direct interconnect with large Canadian telco, and introductions to their connections for better global footprint.

I apologize for how vague this announcement has been, and look forward to providing details in the future. Due to upcoming major events involving our new partner, it will likely be another 2 months before I am able to give further clarity on the deal.

As the saying goes: good things come to those who wait! I hope you are half as excited as I am for the year 2021 and all of the positive events to come!

-Aaron Shames
President / CEO
1pbx Solutions Inc.

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